Salt Valley Arts is a community of volunteers
dedicated to inspiring individuals
to explore and express their unique creativity.
Salt Valley Arts was established in 2016: unwilling to lose the strong network of creativity the Two Twelve Arts Center created upon its closing, artists united to establish a new hub of creativity. Originally focused on establishing a viable new art center, maintaining its artist network, and teaching classes pre-COVID, SVA currently focuses on connecting artists with shared interests, exhibiting artwork, and sharing our creativity with our community.



Our board is 100% volunteer and member driven. We meet the second Monday of every month to plan, brainstorm, and keep our community creative. You can click any of the underlined gurus below to learn more about our members keeping Salt Valley Arts a little less chaotic. Want to help or attend a meeting? Want to join the board? Email us!
Karen Losey
Helen Martin
Amy Everett
Kelly Bortles So